Ink Rooms

The Power to make the Job easier

As part of our commitment to you as a future or current customer, we can work with you to enhance your current ink supply and management.

Installation of a fully automatic ink kitchen brings great benefits:
  • Reduction in Stock Levels
  • Introducing a dispenser will stop over ordering of pre-blended inks.
  • Re-Work Returns
  • Software supplied tracks all material & formula usage and minimises dispensing of fresh product, prompting the user to use or reformulate a previously returned ink.
  • Ensures On-Shade Colour Repeatability
  • Accurate dispensing reduces the chance of shade differences from job to job.
  • Fast, Precise, Batch-to-Batch Consistency
  • A batch can be ready in 4-5 minutes from start to finish.
  • Just-in-Time, Right-First-Time
  • Confidence in the dispenser to deliver on shade colours allows fresh product to be made only minutes prior to requirement. This ensures, in cases of production changes, that no product is wasted or over stocked.
  • Cleaner, Safer Workplace
  • A blend room can change from a place to avoid to a customer showpiece.

The following steps will be taken to ensure the project goes to plan:
  • Site Audit.
  • A member of Hi-Tech staff will visit your factory and advise of the best position to situate the dispenser.
  • Ink Kitchen Design.
  • If you wish to house the dispenser within a clean room environment, then we can design an Ink Kitchen to suite your needs. This will include a 2D and 3D representation of the design.
  • Formulation Management ( new customer ).
  • If we are taking over the supply from another ink company, we will match current colours from wet samples or swatches and supply a spreadsheet for initial cross-reference of Hi-Tech ink codes against old supplier.
  • Pre-Installation.
  • We will visit prior to the installation date to ensure all amenities needed are ready.
  • Installation.
  • We will assist with the installation and enter the formulations onto the system.


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Ink Rooms

Ink Rooms, Automatic Dispenser

Ink Rooms

Designed for your needs

Ink Rooms

Ink Rooms, Wash Area

Ink Rooms

Ink Rooms, Quality Control